Shin Yu Pai

Shin Yu Pai is the author of several books of poetry, including Adamantine (White Pine, 2010), Works on Paper (Convivio Bookworks, 2008), Sightings: Selected Works [2000–2005] (1913 Press, 2007), The Love Hotel Poems (Press Lorentz, 2006), Unnecessary Roughness (xPress(ed), 2005), Equivalence (La Alameda Press, 2003) and Ten Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers (Third Ear Books, 1998). Her work has appeared in publications throughout the USA, Japan, China, Taiwan, The United Kingdom and Canada. Shin Yu’s work has been commissioned on two occasions by the Dallas Museum of Art, and she is a former Writer in Residence for the Seattle Art Museum. She has exhibited her work at the Three Arts Club of Chicago, the McKinney Avenue Contemporary, the Paterson Museum, 516 Arts in Albuquerque and Harvard University. She has completed residencies at the National Park Service in Hot Springs, the Ragdale Foundation, Soul Mountain, Taipei Artist Village and the MacDowell Colony. Her new poetry collection Aux Arcs, from which the poems in Overplay Underdone are drawn, is forthcoming. For more information, visit